How To Make Barista-Style Coffees At Home

There’s nothing quite like the sensation of stepping into a coffee shop and getting the initial impact of freshly ground coffee beans. It’s a wonderful environment to find yourself in, especially early in the morning on your commute to work. However, it’s not always affordable for most to be able to enjoy a morning coffee from their local coffee shop every day.

However, there are plenty of ways you can recreate that feeling of barista-style coffee in your own home. Depending of course, on how much you’re wanting to spend on a coffee machine or the tools that come with it, you may want to go big or keep it simple.

Here are a few tips to make barista-style coffees at home so that you can enjoy those delicious flavors and smells every morning.
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Invest in the right coffee tools
There are many coffee tools that you can purchase when it comes to making coffee. It’s not just about the freeze-dried coffee that you get from the grocery store every week. In fact, there’s an abundance of tools and equipment that you can invest in when it comes to coffee-making.

A business like the Coffee Tool is a great place to start. While many of its shoppers might be professional baristas and coffee shop owners, if you want to level up your coffee-making game then this is a great place to start.

From espresso grinder brushes to multifunctional barista tools, the opportunities are endless. With that being said, make sure you’re looking at what tools you need for your coffee-making ambitions.

Pick out the right beans
The beans are probably the most important part of drinking coffee. It’s a fortunate situation to be in to have so many variations of coffee beans to pick from. If you’re someone who loves coffee, then you’re going to love exploring all of the different tastes that come from coffee beans around the world.

Be sure to do some tasting at your local coffee shop, especially if they’re known for stocking an abundance of coffee bean types. You’ve got a lot of elements to a coffee bean that will influence what you choose. From bitterness to the roasting style of the beans, it’s worth doing your research.

Find your desired grind
When making that perfect cup of coffee, it’s important to know your stuff when it comes to the grind of the coffee bean. Whether you’re looking to buy the beans already ground up, or you’re looking to do it yourself, different grinds of coffee will result in different finishes to your coffee.

Generally speaking, when brewing your coffee, a coarse grind is going to be weak and less flavorful. However, if you grind the coffee too finely, then the coffee can end up being bitter.

Experiment with coffee grinds if you’re doing it yourself, otherwise, there will often be recommendations offered when buying them online or in-store.

Don’t be afraid to try it out yourself. It can be a great way to understand how the level of grind influences the flavors of your coffee beans, whatever you choose.

Make sure the weight is considered
Weight is an important consideration to make because again, just like the grind level, too much coffee or too little can impact the taste.

There are certain coffee lovers who will be very strict with exactly how many grams of coffee that goes into their coffee cup. While you don’t need to be that strict, it does help to try out different weights to see how it affects the cup of coffee you’re drinking.

Pre-warm your mug
If you’re looking to make sure you have that perfect coffee that stays hot from the first sip to the last, then make sure to pre-warm your mug. Fill up your cup with hot boiling water and let it sit in there until you’re ready to pour your coffee. By doing so, you’re going to ensure the coffee goes in at a hot temperature and stays that way for as long as possible.

This is great for those who often find they get halfway through their mug and find their coffee has gone cold.

Let the coffee bloom
It’s useful to let the coffee bloom. What does that mean? The bloom is a bubbling up of carbon dioxide and coffee grounds when the freshly ground coffee has been brewed. Leave the coffee for half a minute to enhance the flavors.

Making barista-style coffee at home is a great way to enhance your experiences with coffee this year.

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