Fresh off the Press! Climber Pouch

Came from a one day trip to Napa and visited Velovino. Amidst wine tasting, the lady came out with this newly launched wine pouch called the Climber. It comes in Cab and Chardonnay targeted to campers and picnic goers. Guess what? The pouch also reduces carbon footprint - not a surprising marketing tactic, especially in the Bay Area. But thinking about my situation (as a gal), this could be a good buy for lonely nights when the need to unwind calls (i.e. no need to open a whole bottle). There is longer storage life for the wine in the pouch once opened. One pouch is equivalent to two bottles! Wow!

If you are observant, you'll notice the rather unusual action-packed logo/graphics wine packaging and the text 'Clif Family Winer'  - the same family that makes Clif bars. According to our server, Clif (short for Clifford) is the founder's father's name.

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